ESN-LA Thanksgiving Short Film Fest

Each quarter, The ESL School at NYFA has students showcase their cinematic talents by having a short film festival. As Thanksgiving is during November, this was the perfect opportunity to have a potluck with traditional food and create short films based on thankfulness.

Students worked in crews of three to four students, storyboarded their ideas, and drafted scripts. Finally, Levels 2-5 shot and edited their story about thankfulness. To introduce students to American culinary traditions teachers made Thanksgiving dishes such as brussel sprouts w/bacon, stuffing muffins, sweet potato mash, Swedish meatballs, and vegetarian turkey. There were also some new traditional dishes such as paleo pumpkin brownies, orange chicken, and doughnuts!

The ESL School at NYFA loves seeing alumni return for events and it’s wonderful to hear what everyone is up to after they leave ESN. Building relationships is very important to the teachers as we become a family through the quarter.


On with the show… Here are a few clips made by some of our future filmmakers. The following was put together by a group of talented young ladies in Level 5:

Our Level 3 students also put together a wonderful video clip to share the importance of being thankful:

If we take some time to think about what we are thankful for, we will find that there are many amazing things and people in our lives. Take time every day to think about what you’re thankful for… I’m sure you’ll have a long list!



showcase (v) – to show or highlight a talent or positive aspect

cinematic (adj) – relating to film

storyboard (v) – creating sketches of scenes in a film

culinary (adj) – related to cooking

paleo (adj) – describes a diet without processed food

alumni (n) – a former student or graduate