The ESL School at NYFA Celebrates “Be Kind to Humankind” Week

“What can I do to make the world a better place?”

This is a question we might ask ourselves from time to time. Most people think we need to do big things to have an impact on the world around us. However, this isn’t always true. Small actions can have the power to change someone’s life.

Did you know that there is a special week called Be Kind to Humankind Week? ESN-LA and NYC celebrated by doing a few thoughtful activities.

ESN-LA created garlands of birds and wrote one kind thing they could do each day. These are now hung up in the ESN office as a reminder of the small actions we can take each day. Here are a few of their suggestions:

“Spend more time communicating with friends rather than just focusing on your phone.”

“Hold the door open for people who are behind you.”

“Keep smiling.”

We also focused on the importance of being kind to ourselves. Kathia, a NYFA-LA counselor, guided the students through meditation exercises. Being a student can be stressful, so it’s very important that we manage our anxiety.

In addition, ESN students created PSAs (public service announcements), which are produced to educate and raise awareness about social issues. The students showed their creativity by taking the topic of kindness and interpreting it in many ways. All of the ESN students gathered in a screening room to enjoy some pizza and popcorn while watching the beautiful messages of the PSAs.

It is easy to see that these students are in the right place to develop their filmmaking skills. They had to plan their scripts, storyboards, and edit the final product. We are so proud to be part of helping these students reach their goals!

Check out one of the Level 5 Advanced ESL videos below!