Alumni Highlight: Where Are They Now?

Fabian Barreneche Vega, a former student of the ESL School at NFYA and a current Acting for Film student of the New York Film Academy, took a moment out of his busy schedule to sit down with us and answer a few questions about his experiences at ESN and in New York City.

Q: How did you feel when you first arrived in New York City?  

A: I could not say anything when I arrived to New York City.  I had mixed feelings between being happy and scared at the same time. The people, the language, the culture — everything was new. Coming to New York City was the biggest opportunity for my career and my personal life.

Q: What was the biggest challenge you faced in New York?

A: My biggest challenge was and still is English. Honestly, I feel better in expressing my feelings and ideas in English because of ESN, but still it is a challenge.

Q: Tell me about your experience at The ESL School at NYFA.

A:  My experience at ESN was amazing because it was another way to learn English. I was able to improve my English in an environment that I know: artistic and creative. I could practice and improve my English in the elective classes. For example, I am an actor and some activities and assignments allowed me to practice my English with scenes, theater, movies, and critiques.

It’s beautiful because my classmates from around the world had special things in common with me. We all have different experiences with art and can connect with each other at the ESL School at NYFA, sharing the same language.

Q: What advice would you give to yourself getting on the plane to New York? 

A: I have three things I would say.

  • Every day you have to be gentle with yourself.
  • Don’t worry about the end. Enjoy the process.
  • You are not sure where your fate is going, but go anyway.

ESN thanks Fabian for taking the time to share his experiences with current and future ESN students. Break a leg* out there, Fabian!

*break a leg (idiom) – a way to wish an actor or musician “good luck” before they go on stage